A safe, compassionate, space to explore finding your own authentic self.
The initial appointment will cost $390 and can take up to 1.5 hours.​ All subsequent sessions will cost $280 for 50 minutes. This is still significantly below the Australian Psychological Society's (APS) recommended schedule of fees, which is currently $311 per 50 minute session.
If you are attending with a valid referral under a Mental Health Care Plan you can currently access a medicare rebate of $141.85 per session for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
If you are attending under an Eating Disorder Plan you can currently access a rebate of $141.85 per session for up to 40 sessions per calendar year.
This means with a valid referral you will be out of pocket by $138.15 per subsequent session until you reach the medicare safety net threshold, at which point your out of pocket costs may be substantially lower.
Please note that our fees are generally reviewed on an annual basis.
Please note our cancellation policy requires at least 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel or change your appointment. This is because when booking a session, that time is reserved for you. Cancelling at short notice means we are often unable to fill the slot, and other clients may miss out on a much needed appointment! If you cancel with 24 hours of the appointment, the full fee will apply, and between 24-48 hours notice a 50% fee will be required. Under exceptional or unavoidable circumstances this fee may be waved, so please contact us to discuss further if you feel this applies.
Supervision fees are generally tax-deductible, and may vary depending upon individual circumstances, frequency of sessions required, and format. Both group or individual supervision can be offered. Please contact us to discuss further.